Our firm was founded in İzmir, 1967 by Timuçin and Süerden İŞGÜZERER to produce spare parts for tractors, commercial vehicles, trucks and work machineries. In the National and the International markets our firm has become a preferable mark in the field of producing and marketing, with its quality and continuous with exporting most of  products more than 30 years. Our product and trade range spare parts are ;Water Pump, Crank Pulley, Belt Tensioner, Parts of Brake System, Parts of Clutch System, Shock Absorbers, And Cabin Pumps, Our formula for success is a perfect blend of quality and service, while becoming aware of all customer requirements.


Is working for being National and International trademark firm, with using the materials which are safe for environment and society, and by doing so the company is organized with the universities and scientific organizations and providing the continuous training to its employees, renovating its technology and taking into consideration the customers ´ needs.


Is to become a leader trademark in the National and the International markets with our producing and marketing of our spare parts for automotive industry and industrial agricultural.


About Us

· To hold continuously the customers’ satisfaction at maximum level

· To provide the unity of the aim and administration

· To provide the everybody’s attendance

· To administrate the processes in the mutual interaction and interest

· To observe the activities as a whole

· To provide the continuous improvement of overall performance

· To take decisions based on the datum

· To provide the mutual cooperation with the suppliers

· To make prevalent of the clean community and the environment .

· To satisfy of our products and activities’ effects on the environment fort he purpose of law. Also working hard to minimise it.

· To cut down our consumption of raw material and energy

· To determine and get under control of our environment pollution risks.

· To determine and get under control of our risks about recycling.

· To enhance of our Works for recycling.

· To decrement our wastes by getting under control of them.

· To activate and improve of iner and outer communication and satisfy its continuance.

· First of all providing zero industrial injury and satisfy a secure and a healthy working area continuously.

· To make our employee conscious of safety and health at work, continuously.

· To determine risks and doing necessary betterment. To stand over the results continuously and minimise our risks.

· To provide the materials directly or indirectly effecting the quality of the products from the suppliers, which have met the following stipulations:

a) ISO 14001 Environmental Management,

b) ISO 9001 Quality Management,

c) ISO 18001 Labor Health and Safety.

· To improve the productivity with the minimum ration of %10 / year.

· To provide the training for every personnel in the amount of 30 hours per year

· To provide the %100 customers’ satisfaction

· To provide the %100 consignment performance · 500 PMM Object

ERD executes its production with the teamwork, aimed to improve the customers’ satisfaction. This team works with the belief that the following objects which lead to the overall customers’ satisfaction:

· To provide a long-term, permanent and healthy expansion;

· To become a trade mark;

· To adapt to the technology;

· To provide self-sufficiency.

· To provide continuous improvement;

· To provide productivity;

· To determine the considerable goals.

ERDEMGİLLER, flexible manufacturing system allows for rapid satisfaction of our customer order requirements, independently of volume or product mix. We do execute the design, model, production and assembling processes under the constitution of our company.

All the products produced by the ERD are under guarantee against all defects of workmanship and products. The frequent change of spare parts is the concept, increasing the time waste and cost. The most reasonable method is to use the spare parts of good quality, present in the aftermarket. In the consequence of test and controls, we do produce the parts, reliable for the professionals for the sale and assembling. We use the following techniques in order to produce the best products of good quality.

APQP Advance Product Quality Planning

PPAP Production Part Approval Prosess

FMEA Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

SPC Statistical Process Control

MSA Measurement Sistem Analysis

PPM Per Part Million Analysis

Our professional sales and customer care teams are capable of handling all of your requirements in an accurate, timely and friendly manner. Through our interactive communications system, our teams are able to provide you with the most effective and reliable up-to date order processing schedules, delivery times and shipping details.











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